01. About Crystal Assist
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
We, at Crystal Assist, have a wide range of products for you which are pure crystals/minerals earth blessings with high energy and uniqueness. We truly assure the quality and purity of our products and believe in delivering them with positivity.
We stand by the vision of facilitating the journey from all “illusion to illumination” by inspiring people to get their inner strength and potential to manifest a world filled with assured, success, self-exploration, channeling to a higher dimension, harmony, peace and to meaningful spiritual growth.
02. Visionary Behind Concept
Rupal Sumaria
- Professional Trainer Of Mystic Science
Rupal Sumaria is a certified Reiki Grand Master, Pranic Healer. Grand Master Crystal Therapist & Healer, Theta Healer. She has been an Active Mystic Science Professional since 2001. She has researched in Mystic Science Field to learn more knowledge in the form of Science and to grow in Life as prospects.

Rupal Sumaria

Attunement, Therapist & Trainer